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Copyright: 2024
Reading Level: Grades 2-3
Interest Level: Grades 3-7
Dewey: 597
Trim Size: 7 x 9
Page Count: 32


From fierce Komodo dragons to sneaky chameleons, nature is full of incredible reptiles. This exciting series showcases eight of these cold-blooded creatures, describing their diets, habitats, and what their lives are like in the wild. Each book pairs short paragraphs of easy-to-read-text with plenty of colorful photos to make reading engaging and accessible. Apex books have low reading levels (grades 2-3) but are designed for older students, with interest levels of grades 3-7.

Book title GRL ISBN Price
Reptiles (Set of 8)
N 978-1-63738-595-1 $79.60
N 978-1-63738-596-8 $9.95
N 978-1-63738-597-5 $9.95
Giant Tortoises
N 978-1-63738-598-2 $9.95
Gila Monsters
N 978-1-63738-599-9 $9.95
N 978-1-63738-600-2 $9.95
King Cobras
N 978-1-63738-601-9 $9.95
Komodo Dragons
N 978-1-63738-602-6 $9.95
Snapping Turtles
N 978-1-63738-603-3 $9.95

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